Monday, March 10, 2008

House, Senate Debate Caps on Secondary Tax Districts

Proposed caps on special districts became a prominent topic at the legislature this week, as the House and Senate considered identical proposals that would establish additional limitations on county-controlled districts.

The House allowed HB 2586 to move through the Committee of the Whole, where it was amended to remove limitations on flood control districts and expand the restrictions on fire districts to 10 percent annual growth. The Senate is expected to consider the same amendment to SB 1256 next week, though the Senate Republican caucus had a lengthy debate on how this proposal fits into a broader property tax reform discussion.

If enacted, HB 2586 and SB 1256 would place additional caps on the growth of levies for library, flood control and public health districts. While the bill's supporters frame the proposals as an appropriate step toward property tax limitations, opponents of the measure recognize the significant problems that arise from mandating a universal cap on flood control, library, and public health services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So do we need to start calling our Senators to vote no on this bill?