Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Teacher-Librarians: Take Action in Virtual Library Legislative Day

Just one week from tomorrow on April 17, many librarians and library supporters will descend upon the Arizona State Legislature to demonstrate to our lawmakers just how important libraries are to our communities. Many battles are being waged in the Legislature this year, including minimizing cuts to the State Library, Archives, and Public Records and the new Archives building, and fighting the secondary property tax cap. While none of these issues are directly about school libraries or teacher-librarians, all of these issues either directly or indirectly impact school libraries and teacher-librarians.

This is why I am asking you to participate in Virtual Library Legislative Day.

You do not need to come to the Capitol. You do not need to take a personal day.

I am asking for a commitment of five minutes of your time. Five minutes for you to either call or email your two representatives and one senator and leave a message with his/her secretary.

I am asking you to leave this message:

I am a constituent of Representative/Senator __________. Arizona Revised Statute 15-362 allows school districts to hire anyone to operate a school library, regardless of training or preparation. Why are school libraries treated differently than classrooms in Arizona?

Imagine if each legislator received 10 calls about this on April 17. Imagine if they received 50! Imagine if they received 100!

It is up to you to make your voice heard on this important issue. Will YOU make the commitment to call on April 17?

Find your Representatives and Senator:

Representative and Senator phone/email list:

ARS 15-362

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