Thursday, February 7, 2008

AzLA Bill Summaries - January

Arizona Library Association
48th Legislature - 2nd Regular Session, 2008
Wednesday, Jan 23 2008 12:04 PM

Bill summaries and histories copyright ©2007 Arizona Capitol Reports, L.L.C.

AzLA: Bill Summaries

H2098: CORPORATE TAX CREDIT; TUITION ORGANIZATIONSMakes permanent the tax credit available for voluntary cash contribution to a school tuitionorganization. Otherwise scheduled to repeal on June 30, 2011.
First sponsor: Rep. YarbroughOthers: Rep. Anderson, Rep. Barto, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Burges, Rep. Clark, Rep. Crump, Rep. Groe, Rep. Kavanagh, Rep. McLain, Rep. Murphy, Sen. Gorman

H2098 Daily History Date ActionCORPORATE TAX CREDIT; TUITION ORGANIZATIONS 1/17 from House ways-means do pass.CORPORATE TAX CREDIT; TUITION ORGANIZATIONS 1/14 referred to House ways-means.

H2099: PREMIUM TAX CREDIT; STO CONTRIBUTIONAllows insurance companies to contribute to school tuition organizations and receive a tax creditagainst their premium tax liability.
First sponsor: Rep. YarbroughOthers: Rep. Anderson, Rep. Barto, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Burges, Rep. Clark, Rep. Crump, Rep. Groe, Rep. Kavanagh, Rep. McLain, Rep. Murphy, Sen. Gorman

H2099 Daily History Date ActionPREMIUM TAX CREDIT; STO CONTRIBUTION 1/17 House ways-means held.PREMIUM TAX CREDIT; STO CONTRIBUTION 1/14 referred to House ways-means.

H2100: TAX CREDITS; WITHHOLDING TAX REDUCTIONAn employee may request that his/her employer reduce the amount of theemployee's withholding tax by the amount of credit the employee will qualify for for contributionsto a qualified school tuition organization or public school. Expands the list of confidentialtaxpayer information to include information supplied by an employee to an employer regardingthe employee's election to have his/her withholding tax reduced for the purposes of contributionsto qualified school tuition organizations or public schools. Effective January 1, 2009.
First sponsor: Rep. YarbroughOthers: Rep. Anderson, Rep. Barto, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Burges, Rep. Clark, Rep. Crump, Rep. Groe, Rep. Kavanagh, Rep.Murphy

H2100 Daily History Date ActionTAX CREDITS; WITHHOLDING TAX REDUCTION 1/14 referred to House ways-means.H2162: TECH CORRECTION; LIBRARY; ARCHIVESMinor change in statutes dealing with the Department of Library, Archives and Public Records.Apparent striker bus.
First sponsor: Rep. Adams

H2162 Daily History Date ActionTECH CORRECTION; LIBRARY; ARCHIVES 1/15 referred to House rules only.

HCR2003: PROPERTY TAX; LIMIT VALUATION INCREASESThe 2008 general election ballot is to carry the question of whether to amend the constitution tolimit the annual increase in real property values for tax purposes to 3%.
First sponsor: Rep. McClure

HCR2003 Daily History Date ActionPROPERTY TAX; LIMIT VALUATION INCREASES 1/14 referred to House ways-means.

HCR2038: STATE APPROPRIATION LIMIT; REDUCTIONThe 2008 general election ballot is to carry the question of whether to amend the stateConstitution to reduce the total amount of state appropriations to 6.4% of the state'stotal personal income. Previously, the appropriation limit was 7%. No adjustment shall be madeto the appropriations limit in order to account for a transfer of government functions. Effective forfiscal years beginning on and after July 1, 2009.
First sponsor: Rep. PearceOthers: Rep. Anderson, Rep. Barnes, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Burges, Rep. Crump, Rep. Farnsworth, Rep. Groe, Rep.Kavanagh, Rep. Murphy, Rep. Stump, Rep. Jim Weiers, Rep. Yarbrough, Sen. Burns, Sen. Gould, Sen. Harper, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Verschoor

HCR2038 Daily History Date ActionNo actions posted for this bill within the requested time frame.

HCR2040: SPENDING ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY ACTThe 2008 general election ballot is to carry the question of whether to amend the stateConstitution to require the state's annual budget to be balanced, that annual expenditures notexceed annual revenues, that there must a year-end cash balance of at least 1% of the generalfund balance, and that state obligations do not exceed ongoing or permanent state revenue.Beginning on January 1, 2010, the state treasurer and each county treasurer must establish awebsite containing a searchable database of revenues and expenditures.
First sponsor: Rep. PearceOthers: Rep. Anderson, Rep. Barnes, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Boone, Rep. Burges, Rep. Crump, Rep. Driggs, Rep. Farnsworth, Rep. Groe, Rep. Kavanagh, Rep. McComish, Rep. Miranda, Rep. Murphy, Rep. Robson, Rep. Stump, Rep. Jim Weiers, Rep. Yarbrough, Sen. Burns, Sen. Harper, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Verschoor

HCR2040 Daily History Date ActionNo actions posted for this bill within the requested time frame.

S1002: PROPERTY TAX; EQUALIZATION TAX REPEALMakes permanent the 3 year suspension of the state equalization property tax.[note: the suspension is due to expire in 2009. This tax is also called the county equalization assistance for education property tax].
First sponsor: Sen. WaringOthers: Rep. Barnes, Rep. Barto, Rep. Biggs, Rep. Boone, Rep. Burges, Rep. McComish, Rep. Murphy, Rep. Nelson, Rep. Pearce, Rep. Robson, Rep. Jerry Weiers, Sen. Bee, Sen. Blendu, Sen. Burns, Sen. Linda Gray, Sen. Harper

S1002 Daily History Date ActionPROPERTY TAX; EQUALIZATION TAX REPEAL 1/17 from Senate fin with amend #4005.PROPERTY TAX; EQUALIZATION TAX REPEAL 1/16 Senate fin amended; report awaited.PROPERTY TAX; EQUALIZATION TAX REPEAL 1/14 referred to Senate fin.

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