Attached find a Legislative Issue Update and Bill Summaries from AzLA Lobbyist Kristen Boilini. Included in the summary are bills of interest to our diverse membership. H2098 and H2099 support the continuing of school tax credits and H2100 provides for a reduction in withholding by employers of employees who qualify for the credit. H2162 provides for a minor change in the State Library statue. HCR2003 has been a concern to many AzLA members, especially County Librarians and requires our attention. If passed, HCR2003 would put to ballot whether or not to limit the annual increase in property taxes to 3%. HCR2038 is a ballot issue regarding whether to reduce the total amount of state appropriations from 7% to 6.4% of the states income. HCR2040 would place on the ballot the question of whether to require a state balanced budget. S1002 makes permanent the 3-year suspension of the equalization property tax. Please review the summary to determine potential impacts for your library and communicate with your representatives and senators. Kristen will continue to monitor these bills on our behalf.
The intense budget crisis in the legislature has brought forth two very serious problems for the state library. The state library faces a 10% budget decrease for this year and next. This will dramatically alter the way the agency does business. It puts State Grants in Aid funding in grave peril. Attached is a letter written to President Bee and Speaker Weiers by State Library Director GladysAnn Wells outlining reductions that the agency is able to absorb during Fiscal Years ‘08 and ’09 and charts outlining the impact that a 10% cut will have in Fiscal Year ’08.AzLA members need to contact their representatives and senators (via phone or email) and share their support for the State Library. Tell your elected officials that it is important to protect the federal funds (which require a state match) and state grants in aid. Share that as constituents, you need the funds and services the State Library provides. Please contact your legislators and voice your concern regarding the budgetary cuts for ASLAPR, letting them know about the good work your library does with its State Grants in Aid funds. In addition, Governor Napolitano has recommended that $3.5 million be cut from the budget of the State Archives building, currently under construction on the west side of 19th Avenue near the capitol. This will have a negative impact on the new building. You can find the Governor’s recommendation: http://www.azgovernor.gov/documents/NR_010308_Flipbook_%20FY08.pdf
AzLA supports two annual legislative days. A tentative date has been set for the Arizona Library Legislative Day of Thursday, April 17. We understand there are conflicts for some members, however it is difficult to find a date that works for everyone. This year we will again invite legislators to join AzLA members for lunch on the lawn, which provides opportunities for us to invite our senators and representatives to visit our community, school and university libraries. These visits are important to cultivate legislative champions and expand grass root efforts in affecting public policy on our issues. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us on April 17!This year plans are being made for AzLA President, Angela Creel-Erb, President-Elect, Denise Keller, Legislative Chair, Brenda Brown and State Librarian, GladysAnn Wells to attend the American Library Association’s National Library Legislative Day activities May 13 & 14. Appointments will be scheduled in advance with all Arizona Senators and Congressmen. Last year we met with two Senate and four Congressional staff members and four of our eight Congressmen (Harry Mitchell, Raul Grijalva, Ed Pastor and Trent Franks). All AzLA members and advocates are encouraged to join us in Washington. Contact me for more information (brenda.brown@chandleraz.gov, 480-782-2817).
Please continue to funnel concerns about legislative issues to us. We track and support a number of concerns. We still hope that eventually, in a better budget climate we might be able to impact incremental increases of State Grants in Aid funding. We continue to express the need for qualified librarians in every school and the measures to limit secondary property taxes.
Attachments:AzLA Bill SummariesLetter from State Librarian to Senate President and House SpeakerASLAPR Appropriations Options FY08
Thursday, February 7, 2008
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